Ingredients: 1 Bag of small mini peppers (bell peppers can be used as well to save on time) – tops cut off and insides cleaned out from seeds
1/2-3/4 lb Meat (ground beef, sirloin steak or chuck roast)- cut in small cubes if not using ground beef
1 Small onion minced- if using larger onion only use a quarter
Shredded cheese
2 Tbsp vegetable oil
Taco Seasoning
1 cup rice- cooked
Directions: Prep everything before starting and have rice cooked.
Once onion and meat has been cut up, place oil into pan and heat up. After oil has heated up, place onions in pan and cook for a few minutes until they start to become transparent. Then add meat to pan and cook with onions until fully cooked.
You can either add your taco seasoning while the meat and onions are cooking or wait until it is fully cooked. If you are using ground beef it would be best to wait until after the meat has been drained to add the seasoning. Most likely you will need to add water while mixing in the seasoning so it will be moist and not dry. If you are using chuck roast or sirloin steak then you will need less water.
The amount of seasoning will depend on how much flavor you would like to have. I tend to be heavy handed on the seasoning, but you can start by adding about a tablespoon to start and then taste as you go to see if you would like more.
After meat, onions and rice have been cooked, then mix them together into a bowl. Once your rice and meat mixture has been prepared, then you can begin to stuff peppers. You can either have the peppers standing up or you can slice them down the side and stuff them laying down. After they have been stuffed with meat and rice, then sprinkle with cheese on top.
**Tip- in order to get the peppers to stand up, slice small sliver off of the bottom of pepper. Be careful not to cut hole into the bottom.
When peppers are stuffed, then place into the oven at 350 degrees and only cook for about 7 minutes. Since everything is already fully cooked, you are just placing in oven to melt cheese.